Because of the creatures.

After 30 hours of travel and two missed flights, I arrived at my hotel in Tana. To be honest, I slept for most of the day and binged a show on Netflix.

And then . . . Starving and desperately in search of a G&T I went downstairs to the open and Iโ€™m the first to sit at the bar compiled of 4 seats. A very sweet young man with kind eyes asks me in excellent English:

Sergio: So, what are your plans for Madagascar.

Me: I have none. I missed my flight to Ile Sainte Marie and now I have no idea where to go.

Sergio: If you want, I can write a plan for you and a price. I can have it ready in the morning.

The next day he hand wrote a plan for me, said his uncle would pick me up the next morning, and in typical California fashion I said . . . โ€œOkay cool!โ€

Thus began the 3 hour drive to see the creatures at โ€œMadagascar Exotic Reserve Peyrierasโ€.

A short walk and a kind guide took us to the closed habitat filled with different chameleons. I wonder about the confidence of chameleons. Is it because theyโ€™re able to fade into the background or just their general emotional state? They casually walk on your arm, a tree, a cement wall and they do it all with a sense of peace.

Maybe we should all be chameleons, we fade into the background when convenient but are also happy to be seen.

I learned a lot about chameleons. Some are constantly changing colors, some canโ€™t change at all, they climb down trees to lay eggs on the ground . . . and they’re the chillest creatures I’ve ever met.

I would not say I’m afraid of snakes, I would say I have an appreciation for nature. Sometimes that means appreciating from afar.

This snake was very sweet and I think was generally trying to give me a hug. However, we had just met and I felt that it was important to move slowly. Just like on a first date, you’re not going to ask them to marry you. You wait for a bit, give it time until you’re both comfortable with each other and are ready to fully commit.

This creature, although it looks like a baby crocodile, is actually a leaf-tailed gecko. Named literally because it’s tail looks like a leaf, it hides well in trees (of course)!

The creatures are best shown in photos instead of words.

Enjoy the gallery!